Call on: 0208 058 3800
how it works
Whether to want to cool your office or home, our units adjust humidity, purify rooms and channel in fresh air from outside to keep environments in perfect balance, removing potentially harmful allergens and exhaust fumes from urban air.
The right temperature helps you sleep better
Restful sleep requires not only a good bed but also the right environment: quietness, darkness and a low temperature. The optimal temperature depends on your personal requirements. And even this temperature adjusts to outside temperatures. By keeping the temperature at a low level, higher oxygen levels are kept, which are essential for the regeneration of your body.
Window open or closed at night?
Nothing’s more pleasant than sleeping with the window open, right? But this is often not helpful, especially in cities: heated streets, light and noise prevent a restful sleep. This is where air conditioning comes in: the perfect feel-good temperature with the push of a button! Quiet and comfortable.
High temperatures mess with your brain
Temperatures above 26 °C reduce concentration and performance by about 30 %. Your brain needs a lot of oxygen. So, keeping the temperature below 26°C will definitely make you feel better and perform effectively.
Your body’s built-in cooling system: sweat
In addition, your body automatically starts a protective programme at high temperatures. You start to feel tired to prevent dangerous overheating through physical activity. If the outside temperature is around 30 °C, the body activates its built-in cooling function: sweat. The cooling effect of sweating occurs through evaporation on your skin.
Our Air Conditioning Service helps to keep your brain active
The higher the humidity on hot days, the less sweating works effectively. Your energy goes into sweating and is missed by the brain. Our air conditioners don't just cool. They also have a dehumidification function, which should not be underestimated here in particular.
If you are considering installing air conditioning systems then contact us and we will carry out a free site survey and provide you with prices and timescales for the job.